Release form and composition Details

Alpha D3-Teva is available in capsules of 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg and 1 mg. In view of this oval soft gelatin capsule on the basis of red-brown, pink or milky. Each capsule contains an oily solution of light yellow color. The composition of Alpha-D3 Teva surfactant – alfacalcidol, adjuvants – propyl gallate, anhydrous citric acid, peanut oil, ethanol, alpha-tocopherol.The drug is packaged in blisters or bottles for 10 and 30 units.

Indications Alpha D3-Teva

The main active ingredient is Alpha D3-Teva – alfacalcidol, it is the body’s precursor to vitamin D3 metabolite. The drug helps restore calcium balance and reduce the rate of bone resorption, which reduces the incidence of fractures. Also Alpha D3 Teva, improves absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestine, accelerates the process of reabsorption in the kidneys and helps to saturate the bone minerals. Regular use of Alpha-D3 Teva helps to improve the coordination of movements, reduces bone pain and muscle pain associated with a poor exchange of phosphorus and calcium.

Indications The following diseases are to use the Alpha-D3 Teva:

  • Rickets and osteomalacia associated with a lack of nutrients or problems with their absorption;
  • Osteoporosis (postmenopausal, steroid, senile);
  • Osteodystrophy in chronic renal failure;
  • Hypophosphatemic rickets and osteomalacia;
  • Psevdodefitsitnaya osteomalacia and rickets;
  • Hypoparathyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, psevdogiperparatireoz;
  • Renal acidosis and Fanconi syndrome.


According to the instructions to Alpha D3-Teva, the drug should not be taken if gipermagniemii, an overabundance of vitamin D3, hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, increased sensitivity to the drug and women during lactation. Not recommended for children under three years. With careful preparation is prescribed to patients with renal insufficiency, with heart problems in the active stage of pulmonary tuberculosis, atherosclerosis, nephrolithiasis and increased risk of hypercalcaemia. In pregnancy, the drug can be taken only if the benefit to the health of the woman outweigh the possible risks to the child, but doctors say that the defects in fetal development possible.

Dosage and Administration Alpha D3-Teva

The drug is taken orally. The course of treatment can be determined only in the doctor depending on the severity of the disease. Adult patients for the treatment of rickets and osteomalacia associated with diseases of the stomach and bowel, when long-term therapy with exogenous lack of vitamin D3, appoint 1-3 g per day. If the patient suffers from chronic kidney failure or bone disease should not take more than 2 g. In Fanconi syndrome and renal acidosis is prescribed a daily dose of 2-6 mg. In the presence of hypoparathyroidism appoint Alpha D3-Teva 2-4 mg, and in the case of hypophosphatemic osteomalacia or rickets – from 4 to 20 micrograms. Patients with osteoporosis (postmenopausal, senile and steroid) prescribed a daily dose of 0.5-1 mg. The treatment should start with the lowest dosage specified in the instructions to Alpha D3-Teva, with weekly check should be performed on the content of phosphorus and calcium in the blood. Should gradually increase the dosage – not more than 0.5 mg per day to biochemical indices normalization.

Side effects-Alpha D3 Teva

  • The instructions to Alpha D3 Teva-listed the following possible side effects:
  • From the digestive system: heartburn, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, epigastric pain, constipation or diarrhea;
  • Cardio-vascular system: tachycardia, elevated blood pressure;
  • On the part of the central nervous system: fatigue, weakness, dizziness, drowsiness;
  • From a metabolism: hypercalcaemia, it increased HDL cholesterol in the blood;
  • Very rarely allergic as pruritus and rash.

special instructions

Patients with chronic renal failure and children need to monitor the content of phosphates and calcium: the initial phase of treatment, Alpha D3 Teva – 1 day a week, then – once in 3-5 weeks. In renal insufficiency, you must first carry out the correction of hyperphosphatemia.

In the early and late stages of treatment is necessary to monitor the content of calcium in the body, especially if the patient has no serious damage or if the blood calcium has increased, and at the final stage of treatment – with signs of recovery bone. Determine the probability of developing hypercalcemia may be on the degree of bone demineralization, the functional ability of the kidneys and dosage-Alpha D3 Teva. In case of hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria is necessary to adjust the dosage of the drug, it takes about one week to restore balance. You can then continue to take Alpha D3-Teva at a dose of less than half.

If the patient is present expressed bone loss, in contrast to patients with renal failure, he can transfer the maximum dosage without symptoms of hypercalcemia. Alpha D3-Teva can be taken together with fosfatosvyazyvayuschimi drugs for the prevention of hyperphosphataemia in patients with lesions of bone renal origin.

Children who take vitamin D for a long period of time, there may be a delay of growth. To prevent vitamin D deficiency is necessary to adhere to a balanced diet.

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