Diffrence Between ADD vs ADHD

ADD and ADHD are medical abbreviations, used in diagnosis and treatment of behavioral disorders in children and adults. ADHD and ADD square measure well-known abbreviations within the USA, UK, Ireland, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, Holland, Norway, Finland, Canada, Malta and Australia.

ADD vs ADHD definitions

ADD – is AN abbreviation of «attention deficit disorder» designation.

ADHD – is an abbreviation on «attention deficit hyperactivity disorder» diagnosis.

These are interchangeable abbreviations, meaning identical diseases. Both behavioral disorders ADD and ADHD are characterized by similar symptoms that can be treated using the same medications.

In the medical literature, ADD and minimal brain damage abbreviations square measure written through slash, whereas medical employees sometimes uses minimal brain damage and boost describe the symptoms, signs, causes and strategies of treatment of the same disorders.

ADD vs ADHD – adults and children

It ought to be noted that ADD (attention deficit disorder) is associate degree archaic term, that is nearly not utilized by doctors currently. The reason why ADD term isn’t widespread any longer lies in its quality.

An overwhelming majority of children and adults with attention deficit disorder are overactive and excessively anxious as a rule. Therefore, the ADHD term (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) characterizes the symptoms of this behavioral disorder more accurately.

Please note that upset could be a symptom, largely ascertained in childhood. Therefore, many people think of ADHD as of behavioral disorder in children in the first place.

Many people believe that ADHD (ADD) never occurs in adults. However, considering the fact that a lot of ADHD symptoms are similar to symptoms of mental disorder, adults with ADHD can be mistakenly diagnosed depression or anxiety.

Depression and ADD (ADHD) in adults and children are cured by means of different medications. Therefore, the diagnosis – is one of the key stages of treatment of behavioral disorders at any age.

ADD vs ADHD – diagnosis

The quality of designation of the behavioural disorders lies therein it’s dozens of sapless pronounced signs and symptoms. Besides, attention deficit disorder (or ADD) square measure solely diagnosed once a toddler or adult has many symptoms of the behavioural disorder directly.

ADD vs ADHD – differences

If a child or an adult is impulsive, inattentive and it is difficult for him to control his activity level, he is diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

If a patient is inattentive, impulsive, nonetheless is ready to regulate his activity level, he’s diagnosed paying attention deficit disorder while not disorder.

Despite the differences between ADHD and ADD symptoms, for their treatment, doctors use the same meds. The most popular ADHD meds are sold under the trademarks Adderall, Strattera, Dexedrine, Ritalin and Concerta. You can find information on these and other meds for ADHD (ADD) treatment in the upcoming reviews.

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