Health Benefits of Wine

The next time you raise your glass, keep these key health benefits of wine for women, as reported by The Daily Sip®, in mind (Note: Health benefits of wine apply when consumed in moderation vs. in excess, NOT when pregnant, etc.):

  1. Red wine contains a “super” antioxidant called resveratrol that may help to reduce heart-disease,osteoporosis, diabetes, and more (learn about it here)
  2. Red wine may specifically reduce the risk of cancer in women, as reported by Cedar-Sinai Medical Center of Los Angeles (learn more here)
  3. Moderate wine consumption may help to reduce the risk of dementia (learn more here)
  4. There are numerous health and beauty products made from wine grapes that may help to reduce the effects of aging due to being loaded up with vitamins C & E + antioxidants (learn more here)
  5. On a less serious note, moderate wine consumption can be both fun and enjoyable with fellow wine enthusiasts, sometimes even in eclectic settings (aka: some even have “blended” wine with yoga in the vineyard. Learn more here.)

It is my personal opinion that a healthy mind and a healthy body coupled with good cheer lead to greater happiness, thus the moderate consumption of wine by women may contribute to both for all the aforementioned reasons!

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